
A Light For Her

Pain and suffering is to its end in this child's life We shall not weep for this child, For she is now in a place of beauty Where there is no war, no hate, and no death Eternal life is to be brought forth through God by a soft glowing flame: Strong enough to hold all...

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Just Those Few Weeks

For those few weeks- I had you to myself. And that seems too short of time To be changed so profoundly. In those few weeks- I came to know you... And to love you. You came to trust me with your life. Oh, what a life I had planned for you! Just those few weeks- When I...

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Precious Son

God, I know you gave your precious Son To give us life with You. But we didn’t want our son to leave, Cause he was precious too. We all are special in your eyes And all to you return. We know our son will not come back, And for this our hearts still yearn. Our time on...

Heaven’s Special Child

A meeting was held quite far from earth. "It’s time again for another birth," Said the Angels to the Lord above, "This special child will need much love. His progress may seem very slow, And he’ll require extra care From the folks he meets way down there. He may not...

My Little Angel

You’ve just walked on ahead of me And I’ve got to understand You must release the ones you love And let go of their hand. I try and cope the best I can But I’m missing you so much If I could only see you And once more feel your touch. Yes, you’ve just walked on ahead...


Golden Memories

They say memories are golden, well, maybe that is true. I never wanted memories, I only wanted you. A million times I cried. If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died. In life I loved you dearly, in death I love you still. In my heart you hold a...

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Precious Son

God, I know you gave your precious Son To give us life with You. But we didn’t want our son to leave, Cause he was precious too. We all are special in your eyes And all to you return. We know our son will not come back, And for this our hearts still yearn. Our time on...

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